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The word kino is short for kinesthetic approach, meaning physical touch with the intention of getting to know someone better. Kino is a commonly used word in the pickup artist world. Kino usually refers to the act of touching someone in a non-threatening manner to build trust to eventually have sex with them. Kino can involve subtle touches such as brushing up against one's arm, holding hands, or stroking someone's hair.
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Dabs and concentrates typically produce a short burst of uplifting, clear-headed euphoria. Moon Rocks and SunRocks, on the other hand, produce a strong, long-lasting stone. They burn long and slow, with enduring effects after just a few hits/tokes. Expect subtle hints of clarity with uplifting euphoria.
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Although you can make much more potent cannabis-infused butter with the plant’s flowers, marijuana leaves, especially sugar leaves, can also be used to create cannabinoid-infused butter or cannabutter. Dr. Blue accepts the following insurance:
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К погружному насосу подключают питающий и греющий кабель. Верх обсадной трубы обрезают и закрывают крышкой.Монтируются вспомогательные приборы.Проверка работоспособности системы и ее герметичности.Засыпают траншею песком.Монтаж завершен.
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Подходит для комфортного пользования скважиной круглый годОбустройство скважины с адаптером позволит использовать пространства на Вашем участке наиболее оптимально и сэкономит егоУстановка адаптера на глубине 1,5-2 метра препятствует замерзанию скважиныПростой монтаж и демонтаж в случае, владелец не пользуется домом зимой (насос с адаптером легко доставать и возвращать на место)Отсутствует необходимость проведения земельных работ при обустройстве скважиныСвоим качеством в работе не уступает другим видам обустройства скважинВыгодно и экономично для заказчика
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Рассмотрим, из каких материалов может изготавливаться адаптер:
Адаптер из латунных сплавов является самым дешевым вариантом и служит 5-7 летБронзовый адаптер может исправно эксплуатироваться до 25 лет. Но этот материал дорогой и редко встречается в продаже.Адаптер из нержавеющей стали наиболее популярный вариант ввиду своих свойств. Способен проработать исправно до 25 лет. Его отличительная особенность в том, что адаптер не склонен создавать с течением времени вредные примеси в питьевой воде, добываемой из скважины.Адаптер из сплавов DZR обладает устойчивостью к потере цинка, то есть к коррозии. Питьевая вода не портиться при использовании такого адаптера совершенно не портится. DZR-адаптер хорошо служит долгие годы.
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Where do I start?? Now these are what I can pick up, not all at once, but they are in there, I've been noting them down as I get them, so far I have, plasticine, melted plastic, nail polish remover, musty unwashed dog, sick, with tiny hints of sweet zesty fruit and aniseed/liquoriche. It's really complex, and very strong. The smell lingers for a while. You're almost there! Just confirm how you got your ticket.
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The wrong approach, then, is what most people mistakenly do: taking it shortly before you want to fall asleep. You need to take it 2-3 hours before your planned/desired sleep time.
The little hairs that grow from inside the calyxes or the pistils are another clue that helps you determine when to harvest your cannabis for the specific kind of chemical properties you want it to contain.
Almost 10 % (50, 000) of total breast cancer-diagnosed patients die every year, in the United States. Luminal A- and luminal B-type breast cancers are characterized by a low chance of metastasis and relatively good medical prognoses. On the other hand basal-like breast cancers (BLBC) are highly invasive and migrate aggressively to distal organs, and are untreatable medically either by available chemotherapy or through combined chemo-radiation treatments. Evidence indicates that blood group-related Lewis (Le) antigens (glycosphingolipids; GSLs and Glycoproteins; GPs) are tumor-associated cell surface molecules. The Le a , Le b , Le X , Le Y , and their sialosyl-derivatives, all N-acetylglucosaminyl-containing glycoconjugate antigens, are over-expressed on the surfaces of breast, colon, and ovarian cancer cells during metastasis. Our goal is to find first a few potent anti-cancer agents which would kill the metastatic cancer cells when injected into the blood stream. All these chemicals: L-PPMP, D-PDMP, cis -Platin, GD3, GD1b, Tamoxifen, and Betulinic Acid (a herbal drug used for cancer treatment in China) induced the apoptotic pathways (intrinsic or extrinsic) in the metastatic breast (SKBR-3, MDA-468, and MCF-7) and colon (Colo-205) cancer cells. All of these apoptotic agents activated Caspass-3, -8, and -9 and also modulated a few specific genes for glycosyltransferases (studied by DNA-Microarray). Use of the specific antibodies against cell surface-specific glyco-antigens could be one of the targeted drug deliveries and will be the answer to effective cancer chemotherapy by apoptotic agents. Beautiful bursts of color; forest green with hues of maroon compacted into shiny resinous buds.
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(Charleswralf, 14. 3. 2021 18:15)
Don’t Smoke The Leaves!
Peach PurГ©e CBD from G13 Labs is available only as feminized seeds. Regular seeds are not available at the moment. In 4 seedbanks, we found 13 offers between EUR 37.94 for 5 feminized seeds and EUR 1529.69 for 200 feminized seeds. If you are looking to buy Peach PurГ©e CBD Cannabis Seeds from G13 Labs somewhere - have a look to our Peach PurГ©e CBD Price Comparison page with all current offers from all the connected seedbanks and shops - or visit one of the following tested, trustworthy and recommended seed-shops directly to check out their current Peach PurГ©e CBD offers: Original Seeds Store,, Seedsman and Zamnesia.
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(Charleswralf, 14. 3. 2021 15:09)
Growing cannabis is all about resinous flowers, trichomes, and rich cannabinoid profiles. These splendid characteristics can only be found on the female flowers. Having gardens full of robust, un-pollinated sinsemilla females means jars full of mind and body-friendly, crusty nuggets.
Herb grinders , aka weed grinders, do exactly as they say, they grind up the herb into a vaporizer-friendly consistency. This is necessary since large nugs won’t fit into most vaporizers and even if they could, they won’t get vaporized completely. Grinders can be either manual or electric, each of which has their pros and cons that we’ll get into later. However, I can tell you now that the grinder is the most important accessory to any vaporizer because you can’t use the vaporizer without it. So, now that you know that, let’s take a closer look at herb grinders.
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Visual appeal aside, is there reason to believe that these royal-toned flowers are better than the green hues more common to the plant? The science leans towards no.
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The Funk Regular Seeds. Put the water and sugar in the saucepan. Bring to a boil, making sure the sugar is fully dissolved. Now, add the cannabis. This is a very important step. You are decarboxylating the cannabis. This means you are making the THC “active.” Maintain a steady, low boil. This is to make sure you do not damage the THC. Continue this process for about 20 minutes. Reduce the heat again to a low simmer. Add the glycerine. Let simmer for another 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and let cool for a few minutes. In the meantime, prepare your jar and strainer. The easiest way to do this is to stretch the cheesecloth over the jar opening. Place a rubber band around the cheesecloth to keep it in place. Now carefully and slowly pour the cannabis syrup through the cheesecloth. You should stop when the build-up of cannabis leaves gets too thick. Scrape the leaves back into the saucepan. Continue the process until you have squeezed all liquid from the leaves. Let this cool. Now add it to your favourite drinks.
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(Jasonblumb, 14. 3. 2021 2:26)
Basic / Breeders Info.
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Because of its effects and because of successful legalization efforts across Canada, Fire OG is now being noted by medical researchers as a powerful medication against various physical and psychological effects. Although more research is required to cement the link between Fire OG and its medical benefits, long-time users will bear witness to the strain’s highly effective stress and pain relief powers. As marijuana legalization makes it easier for researchers to uncover more benefits, Fire OG stands as a powerful symbol of marijuana’s healing properties.
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(Josephavexy, 12. 3. 2021 22:25)
Our 24k cigar wraps were created with bosses in mind. Handcrafted gold cigar wraps made from the finest 24K edible gold. Each pack contains 2 gold cigar wraps crafted from 24K edible gold and tobacco.
Watson was one of the first breeders who recognized that, while THC was the component of cannabis mainly responsible for the high it imparts, terpenes were also important and could intensify and modify the plant's psychoactive effects through the entourage effect. As a result, when evaluating breeding stock for his next cross, Sam the Skunkman often let the aroma of these potential parents be his guide.
If possible, go out and buy an Extra Strength 5-hour Energy Shot. These can be found anywhere from Wal-Mart to most gas stations. The purpose of this drink is two-fold. First, it has 500 micro grams of Vitamin B12. This will add a yellow color to diluted, clear urine. Second, it has a high amount of caffeine, which is a diuretic and will greatly assist in diluting your urine.
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Other than that, the devices look sleeker than before with battery life improvements and faster processors than the 2018 models.
The effects start immediately in the head, but then work their way down into the body. Blue Sherbet is going to make consumers have a very relaxed overall sense of their body and mind. Indica-dominant strains are known for sending their consumers into a body and mind trance that result in a feel-good type of mood.
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Fast Global Connection. As we told you before, cranberry juice contains zinc content albeit in small amounts. According to most people’s thinking, this is what makes this juice reliable in passing a drug screen.
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(diasse Inamsmes, 12. 3. 2021 0:34)
How do you relax at home?
There are lots of ways to relax. Some ways are designed to relax your mind and some to relax your body. But because of the way the mind and body are connected, many relaxation methods work on both the mind and the body.
You may want to try one or more of the following relaxation tips to see what works best for you.
Relaxing the mind:
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(Stevenner, 11. 3. 2021 22:39)
Now that you're equipped with the information to get you to harvest as soon as possible, let's quickly address another common question we receive about time.
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(Stevenner, 11. 3. 2021 19:36)
(Pictured above - Doctor Who water hash, Doctor Who in bud form - so purple. Doctor Who sugar leaf trim)
Of course, this same efficacy and intensity of effects can also lead to a few side effects as well.
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(PeterVap, 11. 3. 2021 1:13)
Pour the liquid through a strainer in order to remove any excess plant material. Transfer the liquid to a wide bottom glass dish or bowl.
3 – What’s the Right Temperature & Humidity Level for GDP Weed?
This game is great if you want a more active, creative option or if you want a souvenir to remember the party. It’s also a great bong smoking game you can play even if you don’t own a bong.
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(PeterVap, 10. 3. 2021 22:33)
We found 38 direct descendants from Lemon Larry in the seedfinder strain database, here a short overview. To see all hybrids and their descendants, visit our Lemon Larry Genealogy Page and check out all the direct crosses as like as the following generations.
If you don’t have a humidity dome (or even if you do) it can be a good idea to mist each clone with water after you’re done to keep them moist. If you can mist your clones a couple of times a day so they don’t dry out, you may be able to skip the clear top altogether. Another option is put the clear top over your plants while you’re away from your grow area(like when you’re at work), then take it off while you’re around to check on your clones and mist them regularly with water.
Blue Dream Bubble Gum Gorilla Glue Girl Scout Cookies Strawberry Kush Tangerine Dream. At the moment there are approximately 450 seed varieties of Cannabis on the market today. Out of the 450 seed varieties, 200 are worth looking at and out of the 200 varieties about 50 or so are outstanding. Each strain is either a pure species type (taking 2 plants of the same species and crossing them) or a crossbreed of two or more species (taking 2 plants from different species and crossing them).
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94
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